Final 12*8

December 14, 2008

The architect of the Jewish Museum Berlin is Daniel Libeskind. It is a very interesting and thoughtful design for the Jewish Museum. Liberskind has done lots of researches on the topic and input to his ideas of the museum design. The words Liberskind uses for his ideas are the organization and relationships. “One is a straight line, but broken into many fragments, the other is a tortuous line, but continuing indefinitely.” (By Liberskind) Therefore, he uses three words to identify his design: Continuity, Exile and Death End.

Liberskind views the world in order to determine the way he creates because Jewish must continue; and the time they exile; and the death end is the feeling of the Jewish. Those are from the history of Jewish exiled in Germany. Libeskind uses “Voids” to define the space between the old and the new. There are no direct light comes to the space, and the “Shalechet” on the floor represent the ashes. It gives people that the Jewish had difficulty to walk in the past. It is very interesting idea that connects the old building to the new building. Also, the Garden of Exile, the structure of columns creates the disorientation to the visitor. The idea of disorientation was created through architecture. Therefore, I think Libeskind was an artist. The creation of The Holocaust Tower is also the art. An only one light that comes from the gap and the narrow slit high above the ground that creates experience of even the visitors see the light but can’t reach it. It also connects to the history of Jewish. The location of the building is also very interesting. There are no official entrance in the new Jewish Museum, instead Libeskind design it in the old Jewish Museum and put it underground. It represent the life of Jewish was undergrounded in Germany in early century.The façade of the building is very interesting. Libeskind plotted the addresses of prominent Jewish and German citizens on a map of pre-war Berlin and joined the points to form the matrix. The idea I like the best is the axes that Liberkind created to link the history of Jewish.

The scale and proportion for the window sizes are based upon the matrix of the façade. The entrance of the buildings formed by the long stairs and on the above there are some structure connected in order to create pressure. It is a very interesting building I have seen.


Confluences Museum

December 7, 2008

Confluences Museum – Lyon, France, 2007

Architect: Coop Himmelb(1)au

The Confluences Museum is a building emblematic of the evolution of this type of architecture, The approach replaces the idea of a temple of art, intended for a social and academic elite, with a place that encourages public access to knowledge about the times we live in – The building tries to directly and actively stimulate its own use as both a museum and an urban meeting place. It was conceived as a museum to which people will come to spend their free time and be motivated to gain information.




December 1, 2008

Today we watched film about architecture in different countries.

The Dessau Bauhaus – architect: Walter Gropius

Gropius’ extensive facilities for the Bauhaus at Dessau combine teaching, student and faculty members’ housing, an auditorium, and office spaces. The pinwheel configuration when viewed from the air represents in form the propellers of the airplanes manufactured in the Dessau area. This complex embodies various technological and design oriented advancements including a petchance for glazing, the creation of an architecture of transparency with the supporting structure rising behind the facing skin. It was a radical structure populated by progressive minds touting a unique group-oriented approach to learning.

— Darlene Levy. drawn from S. Giedion. Walter Gropius: Work and Teamwork. p54-56.



The Nemausus I – architect: Nouvell, Jean & Assoc

Jean Nouvel design the new public housing. I think his idea of the Nemausus I & II were very interesting.  Every apartment has bi-fold metal doors opening the full width of the dwelling. Most of the multi-floor dwellings have two story high volumes and some have two-story high doors.




November 24, 2008

“Scale and Proportion”

Today we were continued the topic of Architectural Scale and Proportion from last Monday. We read the article, “Scale and Proportion.” It is interesting the article brings up the question: Does the vistor actually experience these proportions?

They do experience the proportion, not the exact measurements but the fundamental idea behind them. Therefore, it is necessary to think of the proportion with human beings and the building itself when we design our buildings besides consider the realistic measurements.

The understructure was not proportioned according to human measurement – that is in relation to the small apartments – but on a gigantic scale; a fitting substructure for a mammoth box. During the design, it helps us visualize the design by relating with our body. Sometimes, the number (measurement) might not be as affective as to the “scale and proportion.”

New Luxor Theater

November 22, 2008

New Luxor Theater – Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2001

Architect: Bolles + Wilson

The new Luxor Theater is located in Kop van Zuid, a new urban development on Rotterdam Bay, overlooking the Maas River and Rijn Harbor. The building has multiple orientations and a single exterior wrapping facade that integrates the view from any angle.

The building’s size – it accommodates 1500 – and varied composition based on transparent acoustic elements make it resemble a large musical instrument. The wood panels lining the interior of the main auditorium create a warm, intimate atmosphere.



November 17, 2008

Scale & Proportion, Vitruvian Man, Modular Man, Body as Unit of Measurement.

Today we talked about the Harmony/Balance, scale, proportion and measurement. It was useful because I have never thought about the design should/must relate to ourselves. In Arch 24 & 25, it is always the difficulty to design how talk the building should be and how wide the hall way should be. However, after today’s class, I know that the wide of the door maybe as same as three human bodies’ wides.

There are two methods of masurement of our body sacle. Vitruvian Man – Da Vinci & Modular Man – Le Corbusier.

Proportion means: A part considered in relation to the whole. In architecture, the proportion means our human body relate to the entire building.

Here are the measurement that I did for the Diego Rivara Theater:





November 9, 2008

Tadao Ando

was born in 1941 in Osaka, Japan. Growing up in that city as Japan recovered prom the war, Tadao Ando spent the most of time out of doors, and was raised by his grandmother, whose name was “ando”. From the age of 10 to 17 Tadao Ando worked at local carpenter, where Tadao Ando learned how to work with wood and built a number of models of airplanes and ships.

Ando – Architectural Designs

Church of Light, The space of the chapel is defined by light, the strong contrast between light and solid.


Azuma House – Ando inserted a simple, narrow concrete rectangular residence. With spaces flanking an interior courtyard, there is an attempt to return the ‘contact with light, air, rain, and other natural elements’ to the Japanese life-style.




November 3, 2008

Today in class we have discussed the different mothods for drafting the plans and sections.

We have talked about the structure, form, balance, massing, light, symmetry and affect/subtractive. It is interesting to do the practice of sketching and see the realtionship of the plans and sections. Although it take full space in drawing the plan view, it can be used half space on the secontion view.


November 2, 2008

Yesterday, I went to SFMOMA to analysis the site and see the design of the museum.

I found the design of this museum is interesting. The relationship of the stairs and the ground floor and the entry are generated by line structures.

Also, the ground floor and the walls are in the same design element (lines)

The lighting is a good design, they use natural light and it made the ceiling as a curve in order to create soft lighting and even no shadow. otherwise, it will create hard edges between wall and ceilling.

On the other hand, i found they paint gray in the photography exhibition in order to make the picture frame stand out from the wall. Unlike the painting exhibition, they use white for the walls.

Here are the Floor Plans and Elevation Plan I sktech in SFMOMA


October 27, 2008

Today’s class, we analysis the building formula witch I think it is very important. Each question of the building’s formulas are nessarilly asked before design the buildings.

What is the overall concept?
What are the building elements?
Where does the site (setting) exist?
How are elements juxtaposed next to one another?
What is the symbolic allegorical meaning to building element?
How does a facade develop a visual play of rhythm, movement, Harmon and balance?
How do all elements above tell a story?

We also learnt 2 different methods. Diagramming Analysis the building.